

Soqquadro by Samuele Fontanelli

An almost total 'audio' work has just been completed (foley, sound design, soundtrack, re-recording mix) on a short that talks about a difficult situation in a disadvantaged family in which [...]

Coulrofobia by Elisa Gini

A short movie between drama and psychological horror entitled "Coulrofobia", directed by Elisa Gini, has been released.The work deals with this widespread phobia, known for decades, but little studied…and which [...]

New AUDIO section: PRIVATE

At the kind request of some, I have added a new section intended only for directors which contains both recent material that will be used for film works in progress [...]

new AUDIO section

A new audio section has been added today under the "AUDIO" heading for my next works ready to be released. Since many have asked me for audio-previews, I begin with [...]