November 9, 2019
albums / soundtracks

Ruelles en celluloid

old cinema reel

Today I started to mix a collection of short works of mine related to the cinematic area and remained due to several ground s in a sort of limbo. A difficult selection, considering the reasons: music connected with video material that cannot / couldn’t circulate (because it is – with few exceptions – linked to short films that are constantly in competition inside international festivals; or for distribution reasons); music for films that came out with different sound commentary or even without; musical auditions requested by directors for works that unfortunately have not found adequate funding for their film; and so on…
Also to give a coherent ‘style’ to everything, I have prepared short sample mixes of a few minutes (max. 3) for each track. Stylistically, there is everything; also genres that I would NEVER have imagined producing (eg American trap!), but I faced everything with stoic determination and as a sort of personal challenge but nothing unachievable.