A new movie blog with a peculiar format

After years of being away from film ‘critic’ (a word that doesn’t drive me crazy) field, I decided to do it again: this is how this new movie blog was born, with greater constancy and rediscovered passion. Perhaps thanks to my involvement in the wonderful world of cinema during recent years.
It is all explained in the very detailed ( let’s also say “boring, but necessary” 😀 ) SYNOPSIS, but in summary it’s something that adopts a very personal and in some ways unprecedented format; starting from the attention that is reserved to the music side, which for some absurd reason is almost always overlooked both by last-minute reviewers and by the specialized press and sometimes just to give an extra line to the last of the sexy background actress… So consider this my further tribute to dignity of music. Last but not least, a look also at the collecting aspect of home video production, about which there is often a lot of confusion (and speculation…).
The blog is obviously aperiodic, but I must say that involvement leads me to update it often. For reasons of immediacy of writing it is in Italian, but it will not be difficult for you to translate the texts on the fly (eg via browser / I preferred not to implement heavy internal translators).
Below are the LINKS that concern it. Enjoy the reading:
Main blog
Instagram profile 1 (updates about published articles)
Facebook page (as above)
Instagram profile 2 (pics of reviewed BDs or DVDs or items anyway in the archive)