New FURVUS album in the works
Many years have passed since the publication of “Deflorescens Iam Robur”, now on its 3rd reprint.
And a lot of time separates me from “Veluti Peregrinus in Antiquitatis Memoriis” (album of which actually I only have
some demo-recordings after the loss of the master). During these years, working in parallel with F.ormal L.ogic D.ecay, En Velours Noir (and today H2R as well), the project has remained alive through songs specifically written for thematic samplers, collaborations, etc and the interest shown by new and old listeners who I’d like to thank again here.
It ‘time to fill this void. Today I can say that the new FURVUS album is in the works. From the last days come the first recordings.
I don’t want to spoil anything, except for my intention to maintain its trade-marks (only vocals & choirs sung by me, no vocal VST, cinematic sonorities, extreme care in the dynamic instrument sounds).