
October, 2020

A sensitive guy

Someone particularly sensitive but who listens to notoriously delicate power-electronics pointed the video by F.ormal L.ogic D.ecay - "Apocalypnosis part IV” out (however always visible on this website). Video which, [...]

Furvus on radio all week

For the whole week I’ll have the pleasure of being broadcast every evening within “Overthewall”, an underground radio show, conceived and led by the nice and attentive Mirella Catena.Below the [...]

new AUDIO section

A new audio section has been added today under the "AUDIO" heading for my next works ready to be released. Since many have asked me for audio-previews, I begin with [...]


I am trying with enthusiasm - and shameful delay given how long it has been around - what I believe is one of the best waveform editors for Mac (but [...]